Monday, 29 September 2014
Strikes in Syria and Iraq have helped bolster the IS ranks, at the same time having little to no effect in stopping IS fighters
As the days drag on strikes continue but with minimal effect on IS, so far they have failed to stop IS or even slow the movements of their fighters, smaller Islamic groups operating in Syria and Iraq that have been put on the terror list and target lists recently have threw their lot in with ISIS bolstering their ranks, indeed France's defense council even met to decide if they should reverse the decision to strike IS because of this.
Reasons why the strikes are so minimal in effect may be coming to light, The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights on Monday described what had happened over night
"The overnight bombings hit mills and grain storage facilities in Manbij, a militant-held town in northern Syria. Coalition forces possibly mistook the structures for Islamic State holdings"
It is yet to be seen if this is a reoccurring theme but if so this would back up claims that the US aren't in fact going after IS but look to tackle the Syrian Government instead, using IS as a pretext.
The powers that be know rightly these strikes are being used for recruiting purposes, many have joined the ranks of IS since the beginning of these strikes, because to a lot of Muslims and none Muslim's these strikes are seen as they should be, as another crusade by the west and it's allies in the Middle East.
Disenfranchised young Muslims across the globe are becoming more and more radical in their stance against these crusades in turn some even go to these war zones to fight.
Now once enemy's Al-Nusra Front and IS have reportedly joined forces against the anti IS coalition, in an audio message leader of the Al-Nusra group said "The West Will Pay The Heaviest Price" for its actions in Iraq and Syria, these strikes without a doubt have give the Islamic groups a cause to rally around.
Mission creep has happened over and over with Afghanistan , Iraq etc, we are told this campaign will stretch years not months, the likely hood of feet on the ground becomes greater by the day.
A huge media campaign was launched still pushing for broader strikes in Syria, in time i believe this may include Syrian Regime targets. Just like in Iraq we will see that all of this was indeed a mistake to go in and bomb all around the place, not just because it's the innocent people feeling the brunt but because all these strikes have done is bolster the ranks of IS with more fighters and boosted its support around the world, the same thing the establishments were working to try and stop.
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
ISIS Trojan Horse? First strikes by the anti ISIS coalition inside Syria
First round of strikes on Syria launched on the 23rd of Sept killed up to 70 of militants but also killed 8 civilians and 3 kids, cited Syrian Observatory Of Human Rights.
The number of civilians or as NATO and US say 'collateral damage' will rise as the strikes continue, second round of strikes is now underway in Syria.
David Cameroon wants to join the anti ISIS coalition so much but again the people are standing up and saying no, this time around tho it does not seem people power alone can stop the strikes like seen last time when the US and UK wanted to go to war against the Syrian Regime.
The US state department said it was pretty sure that there was no 'collateral damage' during first strikes but people and observers on the ground claim otherwise, it is not clear how long this campaign will be dragged on for but it's touted to be years not months.
In our last article we posed the question 'Is ISIS a Trojan Horse for regime change inside Syria' today we now see operations begin inside Syria with strikes by the US and its allies UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Qatar in a support roll, you will notice that these are some of the same country's who armed, funded and trained the very same people they seek to destroy.
These clear contradictions cast doubt on the true intentions of those behind the strikes, the regime in Syria said it had been told about the impending strikes on its territory before hand, but it is not clear how the Syrian regime will act to these latest strikes, not including the SAA in the coalition against ISIS is a big mistake, or is this the plan, this is a fine line being walked by the anti ISIS coalition.
Russia warned the US on the 21st of Sept that it needs to strictly comply with international law in regards to entering Syria and conducting strikes on its territory.
Russia Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov urged
"the necessity to strictly comply with the United Nations statute, norms of international law and unconditional respect of Syrian sovereignty,"
Did the US breach international law with these strikes ? What matters now is that this US led coalition does not step outside its set boundary in operations against ISIS inside Syria but as we have learned from past endeavors of the US this is not a matter of if but when.
We are seeing clear flash points across the globe anyone of which could spark a major war with the worlds super powers, sharing the information and evidence of injustices and documenting everything is a necessity to hold those who perpetrate these conflicts to account, the fight continues for a more just world and it's us the ordinary people who can make it happen! Stop the Wars! Stop supporting terror! The world says enough is enough!
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Could we be seeing the start of operations to tackle Assad by stealth?
After the people of the Western nations and the US decided enough was enough, after saying no to war, no to strikes in Syria (against the Regime who are fighting fighters who are still being funded by outside players some of which are looking to target the very same people now), the backlash from the public was so over whelming it surprised even the hardcore war hawks within the establishments. They were moving closer and closer to striking Syria, but could they be the ones who have the last laugh?
Chiefs of staff in America have said they may need to put feet on the ground inside Iraq. They will not be fighting a combat mission, so we are told, but when we look at what this could mean it does not make for a pretty picture. What if those in power come to a stage where they may need feet on the ground in Syria as well? Then conflict could be inevitable between the Syrian regime and the US.
Some analysts believe this could be a Trojan horse plan for regime change in Syria. That would mean all paths lead to Iran (remember General Wesley Clark's statement?). This could explain the exclusion of Iran and the Syrian regimes from any real meaningful dialogue with the anti ISIS coalition comprised of several countries including some Arab states.
The US administration warned that if any of its Jets were to be targeted inside Syria that the Syrian regime would pay, but as we have seen it is not just the Syrian army that have the capabilities to down jets. In the past week at least one Syrian air force jet was downed by so called 'moderate' fighters,' we have seen this on many other occasions so this being the case could the US be planning to use a false flag event like this to create the regime change they so desperately want?
The world stands on a knife edge, if Assad is ousted by whatever means, it will mean the very real disintegration of Syria, and the very real destruction of the fabric of that society. It would no doubt end up worse than that of Libya with the ordinary innocent civilians feeling the brunt of it.
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
'Media wars- Deceptions and lies '
First published Apr-26-2014
In today's world of media wars, information wars fought on TV airwaves across the globe and across the internet,
we find people truly trying to dissect information sorting the wheat from the chaff to find what is truly going on and then we have those who spout the narratives of mainstream media outlets such as the BBC,CNN and Fox without ever going beyond that narrative to find other sources to give oneself a better understanding of any given situation around the world and there is any number of those situations to choose from.
For some of us it's clear what's going on in the world of Media, Western Establishments namely the US have had a major monopoly on it for at least the last 2 to 3 decades and the narratives those media outlets use and have used,, rarely do we get really good investigative journalism from those within these major mainstream newspapers and broadcasters but when we do they never touch on anything of any real significance tho if it's a staged chemical attack like seen in Syria then BBC will gladly lend a hand, even editing the videos to suit the western establishments narratives as pointed out by RTs Daniel Bushel, Published on Mar 23, 2014 by The Truthseeker (RT)
No.... they(MainstreamMedia) think the populace deserves a diluted down one slanted version of what they think is going on, half truths and down right lies at best,, i will use Syria and Libya as an example here, for nearly a year and a half we had William Hague, David Cameron and the rest of his cohorts cheering on support for Jihadi militants from all over the globe fighting in Syria as well as Libya during the conflict there,
fast forward to today most people now realize that those same mercenaries fighting in Syria and who fought in Libya are foreign backed fighters with no intentions of creating a better anything, only but to destroy the fabric of Syrian and Libyan society like a cancer spread across a once beautiful lands, this scenario has played out on the screens of billions of tvs and computer screens across the globe many times before, the last decade alone has seen the fall of the Saddam Regime during the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, CIA backed coup attempt that took place in Venuzeuala, and in more recent times the war in Syria and the toppling of the Libyan government which seen ethnic cleansing of black African migrants who "rebels" at the time claimed were apart of Colonel Gaddafis forces, in reality most had nothing to do with the conflict but were murdered anyway, many articles have been published about these atrocities.
These are but a few examples of the media deceptions and one sided narratives that come from mainstream media outlets, they plaster their own narratives over the TV screens and networks, and the sad thing is a good percentage of people among us are willing to take it all as fact and run with it without stepping back and asking why? Maybe it's just too much to ask from people? It really get's me down when i think about it.
Back to the topic tho, calls for intervention in Libya came thick and fast by the usual war hawks Hague, Mccain, Kerry, Rice etc etc leading up to the 19th of March 2011, the day NATO sent the multi state forces to carpet bomb a sovereign country and sovereign people. Anywhere up to and around 60,000 Libyans died as a result of NATO's "humanitarian" interventions, the country's infrastructure was destroyed and that of which has not yet happened in Syria the destruction of the Social fabric of the country.
The mainstream coverage of the ongoing conflict was unprecedented in scale as was the propaganda being pushed by these media news outlets, an example of which was Al Jazeera's obvious staged celebrations in Green square on the 17 of August ( ) 4 days before the actual incident took place, BBC,CNN,SKY all ran with this story, we can even go back to April 2003 the staged toppling of Saddam's statue, which Robert Fisk called "the most staged photo opportunity since Iwo Jima"
We are very well aware of who funds Russia today and its network but in my opinion they do some of the finest journalism i have seen from a mainstream outlet these past few years, but now we even have the likes of John Kerry laying his teeth into RT going as far as to say "RT is Putins bullhorn" for propaganda coming out of Moscow, in reality John Kerry is a hypocrite so far detached from the truth and realities of the situation he might as well be on his way to mars, along with the embarrassing press conferences the US state department use to push their own usually very warped narrative's of situations, like Ukraine, we had a number of US diplomats along with EU politicians openly calling for revolution on the streets of Kiev, is this not against international law? What other country would let this happen?
Videos the likes of "I am Ukrainian" which was uploaded on Youtube, Showing a young good looking(To sell the message) woman standing at a barricade in Maidan Square telling us the line that Maidan protesters were peaceful protesters just looking for change, that was all, but it was clear to the world as time went on the protesters were anything but "peaceful" or that they were just looking for change, not to long after its release we also learned that those behind the video were not as righteous as first thought, it happened to be that those behind it had links to shadowy US NGO's who have been known to be directly involved in staging phony "colour revolutions" in the past.
"Changes in the policies of external actors…a major shift in US policies toward the promotion of human rights and democracy in other countries…". American international NGOs ("Ingos") were prominent mechanisms through which this causal link between superpower foreign policy interests and regime change worked out in many transitions from authoritarian rule in the twenty-one-year-long "third wave". The principal argument is that the main and direct causes of the colour revolutions were and still are United States foreign-policy interests (strategic expansion, energy security and the war on terrorism) as they are serviced by Ingos. Without the intervention of these US-sponsored Ingos, the political landscapes in countries like Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan would not have been repainted in new colours like the US desired.
"…power does its work by stealth, and the powerful can subsequently deny that their strength was ever used at all."
Salman Rushdie, Shalimar the Clown (2005)
In the world of global politics and world affairs a name stands out 'George Soros' a billionaire and self proclaimed activist who has been known to be involved in the large scale funding of nongovernmental organizations inside Ukraine also Libya, Right Sector being among those groups, an Ultra nationalist far right group who were involved in some of the worst violence that took place in Kiev and now in the East of Ukraine, with the murder of 5 self defense militia members near the eastern city of Slaviansk.These the same mix of organizations who call for more democracy and revolutions outright within Ukraine, the same organizations who call for closer ties to the European Union. Soros is quoted as saying
“The EU, along with the International Monetary Fund, is putting together a multi-billion dollar rescue package to save the country from financial collapse,” he wrote in a piece for Project Syndicate.
“But that will not be sufficient to sustain the national unity that Ukraine will need in the coming years. … Ukraine will need outside assistance that only the EU can provide: management expertise and access to markets.”
This mans agenda is clear to see, for anyone who can grasp modern Geo politics, he wants to see the IMF & World bank putting a strangle hold on Ukraine as it has done with many a country before, Libya being one of those country's, in fact the week of the intervention Libya seen thee establishment of an IMF bank were there had not been before. Soro's buddies in the world banks and IMF will surely give him a pat on the back for his dastardly deeds over this last decade alone.
The fact that these so called News outlets continue to spread half truths , lies and continue to shy away from the perpetraters of these illegal wars and interventions sets a precedent for us as members of the human race to stand up and be counted, it is up to us to bring the facts to tell our friends to tell our community's it is us who will bring change it is us who help fight the information war, it's not just information it's life or death for many people this is why we do what we do in the hopes that some will listen and take note of the changing times we are living in, the veil has been lifted half way it is about time we stripped the veil away totally and showed the world order as it stands today for what it really is, a stain on humanity, balance is once again needed, the peoples of the world are fed up with constant war's constant lies more are calling for change by the day, be the change you want to see in the world.
In today's world of media wars, information wars fought on TV airwaves across the globe and across the internet,
we find people truly trying to dissect information sorting the wheat from the chaff to find what is truly going on and then we have those who spout the narratives of mainstream media outlets such as the BBC,CNN and Fox without ever going beyond that narrative to find other sources to give oneself a better understanding of any given situation around the world and there is any number of those situations to choose from.
For some of us it's clear what's going on in the world of Media, Western Establishments namely the US have had a major monopoly on it for at least the last 2 to 3 decades and the narratives those media outlets use and have used,, rarely do we get really good investigative journalism from those within these major mainstream newspapers and broadcasters but when we do they never touch on anything of any real significance tho if it's a staged chemical attack like seen in Syria then BBC will gladly lend a hand, even editing the videos to suit the western establishments narratives as pointed out by RTs Daniel Bushel, Published on Mar 23, 2014 by The Truthseeker (RT)
No.... they(MainstreamMedia) think the populace deserves a diluted down one slanted version of what they think is going on, half truths and down right lies at best,, i will use Syria and Libya as an example here, for nearly a year and a half we had William Hague, David Cameron and the rest of his cohorts cheering on support for Jihadi militants from all over the globe fighting in Syria as well as Libya during the conflict there,
fast forward to today most people now realize that those same mercenaries fighting in Syria and who fought in Libya are foreign backed fighters with no intentions of creating a better anything, only but to destroy the fabric of Syrian and Libyan society like a cancer spread across a once beautiful lands, this scenario has played out on the screens of billions of tvs and computer screens across the globe many times before, the last decade alone has seen the fall of the Saddam Regime during the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, CIA backed coup attempt that took place in Venuzeuala, and in more recent times the war in Syria and the toppling of the Libyan government which seen ethnic cleansing of black African migrants who "rebels" at the time claimed were apart of Colonel Gaddafis forces, in reality most had nothing to do with the conflict but were murdered anyway, many articles have been published about these atrocities.
These are but a few examples of the media deceptions and one sided narratives that come from mainstream media outlets, they plaster their own narratives over the TV screens and networks, and the sad thing is a good percentage of people among us are willing to take it all as fact and run with it without stepping back and asking why? Maybe it's just too much to ask from people? It really get's me down when i think about it.
Back to the topic tho, calls for intervention in Libya came thick and fast by the usual war hawks Hague, Mccain, Kerry, Rice etc etc leading up to the 19th of March 2011, the day NATO sent the multi state forces to carpet bomb a sovereign country and sovereign people. Anywhere up to and around 60,000 Libyans died as a result of NATO's "humanitarian" interventions, the country's infrastructure was destroyed and that of which has not yet happened in Syria the destruction of the Social fabric of the country.
The mainstream coverage of the ongoing conflict was unprecedented in scale as was the propaganda being pushed by these media news outlets, an example of which was Al Jazeera's obvious staged celebrations in Green square on the 17 of August ( ) 4 days before the actual incident took place, BBC,CNN,SKY all ran with this story, we can even go back to April 2003 the staged toppling of Saddam's statue, which Robert Fisk called "the most staged photo opportunity since Iwo Jima"
We are very well aware of who funds Russia today and its network but in my opinion they do some of the finest journalism i have seen from a mainstream outlet these past few years, but now we even have the likes of John Kerry laying his teeth into RT going as far as to say "RT is Putins bullhorn" for propaganda coming out of Moscow, in reality John Kerry is a hypocrite so far detached from the truth and realities of the situation he might as well be on his way to mars, along with the embarrassing press conferences the US state department use to push their own usually very warped narrative's of situations, like Ukraine, we had a number of US diplomats along with EU politicians openly calling for revolution on the streets of Kiev, is this not against international law? What other country would let this happen?
Videos the likes of "I am Ukrainian" which was uploaded on Youtube, Showing a young good looking(To sell the message) woman standing at a barricade in Maidan Square telling us the line that Maidan protesters were peaceful protesters just looking for change, that was all, but it was clear to the world as time went on the protesters were anything but "peaceful" or that they were just looking for change, not to long after its release we also learned that those behind the video were not as righteous as first thought, it happened to be that those behind it had links to shadowy US NGO's who have been known to be directly involved in staging phony "colour revolutions" in the past.
"Changes in the policies of external actors…a major shift in US policies toward the promotion of human rights and democracy in other countries…". American international NGOs ("Ingos") were prominent mechanisms through which this causal link between superpower foreign policy interests and regime change worked out in many transitions from authoritarian rule in the twenty-one-year-long "third wave". The principal argument is that the main and direct causes of the colour revolutions were and still are United States foreign-policy interests (strategic expansion, energy security and the war on terrorism) as they are serviced by Ingos. Without the intervention of these US-sponsored Ingos, the political landscapes in countries like Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan would not have been repainted in new colours like the US desired.
"…power does its work by stealth, and the powerful can subsequently deny that their strength was ever used at all."
Salman Rushdie, Shalimar the Clown (2005)
In the world of global politics and world affairs a name stands out 'George Soros' a billionaire and self proclaimed activist who has been known to be involved in the large scale funding of nongovernmental organizations inside Ukraine also Libya, Right Sector being among those groups, an Ultra nationalist far right group who were involved in some of the worst violence that took place in Kiev and now in the East of Ukraine, with the murder of 5 self defense militia members near the eastern city of Slaviansk.These the same mix of organizations who call for more democracy and revolutions outright within Ukraine, the same organizations who call for closer ties to the European Union. Soros is quoted as saying
“The EU, along with the International Monetary Fund, is putting together a multi-billion dollar rescue package to save the country from financial collapse,” he wrote in a piece for Project Syndicate.
“But that will not be sufficient to sustain the national unity that Ukraine will need in the coming years. … Ukraine will need outside assistance that only the EU can provide: management expertise and access to markets.”
This mans agenda is clear to see, for anyone who can grasp modern Geo politics, he wants to see the IMF & World bank putting a strangle hold on Ukraine as it has done with many a country before, Libya being one of those country's, in fact the week of the intervention Libya seen thee establishment of an IMF bank were there had not been before. Soro's buddies in the world banks and IMF will surely give him a pat on the back for his dastardly deeds over this last decade alone.
The fact that these so called News outlets continue to spread half truths , lies and continue to shy away from the perpetraters of these illegal wars and interventions sets a precedent for us as members of the human race to stand up and be counted, it is up to us to bring the facts to tell our friends to tell our community's it is us who will bring change it is us who help fight the information war, it's not just information it's life or death for many people this is why we do what we do in the hopes that some will listen and take note of the changing times we are living in, the veil has been lifted half way it is about time we stripped the veil away totally and showed the world order as it stands today for what it really is, a stain on humanity, balance is once again needed, the peoples of the world are fed up with constant war's constant lies more are calling for change by the day, be the change you want to see in the world.
CIA drug,
conspiracy theory,
excessive force,
operation northwoods,
ukraine today news,
uss maine,
World bank
Saturday, 13 September 2014
Trial by media continues as BBC's Panorama judges Putin himself is to blame for everything happening in Ukraine...
BBC 2 aired a Panorama show about the crises in Ukraine on the 12th of Sept, firstly the people behind the show from the outset had already made a clear decision who they thought was behind the crises and who the main perpetrators were in downing MH17, implying Putin himself maybe to blame for the downing of the plane.
The Boeing 777 exploded while traveling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, killing all 298 people on board including 193 Dutch citizens.. .
The BBC presenter then went on to claim unverified footage and a single still picture of a BUK system was clear evidence of Russian involvement in Ukraine pictured supposedly 10 miles away from the crash site without any clear markings or insignia to show who they were or in fact where they were.
As we know at the time Ukraine BUK systems were active in the area! Yes that’s right Ukraine admitted this after being pushed on the.downing of Malaysian airlines. But as we will discover the plane was not taken out by a BUK system at all well that’s what the evidence is starting to indicate.
A Dutch report released a few days ago said that the plane was hit by many high velocity rounds which riddled the plane, if true this would back up the claims by residents of the surrounding areas that they seen military jets guiding the passenger plane before it was downed which i mentioned in our last article about the tragedy of MH17, and the claims by Moscow that the plane had been taken down by Ukrainian military jets.
Investigators came to their findings based on information from the aircraft's black boxes, and pictures and video taken at the scene, as well as information supplied by Ukrainian air traffic control.
The presenter of the BBC Panarama program then went on with the same narrative of Kiev that the humanitarian convoy which was held up at the Russia Ukraine border because it was in fact a ‘Trojan Horse’ tactic by Russia, all of which was proven to have been lies after the convoy itself was inspected by the worlds media showing nothing but the aid that was being sent in to Ukraine for the people.
These glaring facts did not stop the presenter continue to imply things without any real evidence backing up his claims as pointed out above, the ‘evidence’ he did show us was a few unverified pieces of footage and pictures of what looks like a BUK system without clear insignia and then again showing footage of what they say was a Russian Armour ed convoy on the side of a road, again with no insignia to prove this to be the case nothing to say it was indeed a Russian convoy or even Ukrainian.
This is just another kink in the propaganda war between what is being defined by the day as East and West. The west MSM which has shown itself to have a clear agenda of the demonetization of Russia and Putin in general, is nothing but smoke and mirrors for actions being taken by other establishments inside Ukraine, look over there while i do my dirt over here...
Of course people have real grievances with Russia and Putin but the propaganda campaign launched by certain MSM outlets has taken it to a whole new level the likes which not seen since world war 2, but the facts of the situations have shown time and time before these very same MSM outlets to have been untruthful and at times downright deceitful, while backing one side and demonizing the other this being Russia and or any other establishment or person standing up to the powers that be. See our article ‘Media Wars-’ for a more detailed look at the MSMs past fabrications and lies, link below…
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
The new Era of Warfare, and the rise of the PMC's
It’s a recurring theme, seen right across the globe, with some of the worlds most powerful nations utilizing the services of private military contractors(PMC’s) to their benefit, and there is many benefits from using such unconventional means.
For me it was during the Iraq and then Afghan war when I started to notice that more and more of the jobs that were normally done by US and British military were slowly being outsourced to PMC’s. The most well known being ‘Blackwater’ which changed its name twice since 2009 to Xe(Zee) and now called ‘Academi’.
Even after ‘Blackwater’ or ‘Academi’ gained notoriety from it’s heinous crimes on the native population of Afghanistan and Iraq, the US establishment continued to sign contracts with the organization, and the pull out of Afghanistan and Iraq by US and Allied troops did not spell the end of the occupation - it marked a beginning of the rise of the PMC.
As stated before ‘Blackwater’ it seemed were the new ‘Land Lords’ for US special forces operations in the country, after a deal was struck worth $22 million with the US establishment to house special forces in a Private Base call 'Camp Integrity’.
‘Academi’ is most notorious for its slaughter of 28 Iraqi civilians in Al-Nisour Square in central Baghdad and again killing and wounding dozens more on September 16th 2007.
Crimes committed by these PMC’s would be subject to long term jail terms for regular soldiers or people, though unlike the conventional armies PMC’s never usually see themselves being held account for their actions.
Statistics in a Congressional report said at the time PMC’s were involved in at least 197 shooting incidents in Iraq shooting first on 165 of those cases
In his book "Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army," Jeremy Scahill described a:
"shadowy mercenary company (employing) some of the most feared professional killers in the world (accustomed) to operating without worry or legal consequences....largely off the congressional radar. (It has) remarkable power and protection within the US war apparatus to practice violence with impunity, including cold-blooded murder of non-combatant civilians."
Plans to pull troops out of Afghanistan and hand over operations to PMC’s was in the pipeline since the decision to pull out was brought up. This is just a small example of the new era of war, from open conflicts fought by troops that are part of a nation’s army, to covert proxy wars being fought by private contractors.
The rise in the use of PMC’s especially over the last decade marked a change in the ‘Elites’ ideology, with the mentality that whatever government can do business can do better. The privatization of war, the privatization of policing operations by contractors instead of police like seen with G4S is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to operations being carried out by PMC’s and ordinary private contractors. It’s a worrying trend seen right across the globe from country to country..
In Ukraine reports since the violence began on Maidan square indicate that PMC’s were in fact operating in the country, namely ‘Academi’,
When the Western Media portrayed what was happening during the sniper shootings in Kiev, they told us that there were snipers both sides, shooting eachother. However, medical examiners have deduced that all the casualties that resulted from said snipers were shot from the same point of origin, with even some of the ballistics matching up.
It just so happens, that three weeks prior to this awful, awful event, American private military travelled to the area. I do not know under which name they travelled, they have a few to choose from, there's Blackwater, Xe Services, Constellis Holdings (they could potentially use the name of the other companies that are under the umbrella of Constellis) and Academi. It was confirmed that they were there for a covert operation of some sort...
Academi denied its involvement in Ukraine, claiming on its website that “rumors” were posted by “some irresponsible bloggers and online reporters.”
“Such unfounded statements combined with the lack of factual reporting to support them and the lack of context about the company, are nothing more than sensationalistic efforts to create hysteria and headlines in times of genuine crisis,” the US firm stated.
Under who and what these contractors were there for was unclear but we will try and shine a light on who and why they were there.
ASBS (Analizy Systemowe Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz) is a Polish Private Military Organization created by Poland’s interior minister B. Sienkiewicz. This group was brought in by the new illegally established government in Kiev to try and help quell the uprising in the East of the country.
The fighters, who came on the pretext of a university exchange program, were mostly men of around 40; they received a month-long training course in organizing mass protests, erecting barricades, seizing government buildings, street fighting tactics, shooting techniques, including from sniper rifles, etc. The Polish weekly Nie published a photo from Legionowo showing Ukrainian forces dressed in Nazi uniforms alongside their Polish instructors in civilian clothing.
In early April, CIA director John Brennan visited Kiev. The very next day after his visit, the head of the Kiev regime, Turchynov, announced the beginning of “large-scale anti terrorist operations in connection with events in the Southeast” Not only American, but Polish mercenaries showed up for this operation.
This is a worrying trend for anyone who understands the implications of these events and changing dynamics of our society, this is truly a new era of warfare where nations can fight its battles at arms length using proxies. But this is not a new thing, the new thing is the kind of mentality and Ideology behind it, not to mention the major moves being made on the world stage by those that hire these people. The rise of PMC’s is a growing trend and it seems to me that this is the way wars will continue to be fought in the future with conventional troops playing a less prominent role in conflict zones where ever they may be.
CIA drug,
conspiracy theory,
excessive force,
gulf war,
New world,
operation northwoods,
ukraine news,
ukraine today news,
uss maine,
World bank
Monday, 8 September 2014
More Horror in Palestine.
Information I received today has horrified me further regarding the plight of the people of Palestine. On the way to school this morning, in an area that is supposed to be under the sole control of Palestine, Israeli border police forcibly seized and detained 7 year old boy Oday Rajabi, in reply to stones being thrown by six young school children towards a checkpoint.
In a rapid response, a group of border police rushed from a nearby road and more ran down from the checkpoint, throwing two stun grenades and approximately three tear gas canisters towards the children standing by the school.
Two border police seized a 12 year old by the name of Yousef Hajajreh by the neck, while two more grabbed the seven year old by his arms and feet and carried him to be detained for nearly an hour. The 12 year old was arrested and put into a police car.
Nearby adults rushed to the aid of the children, including two of the employees of the UN school, but a teacher (Abd al-Aziz Hmad Rjob) was placed in a headlock when he tried to control Oday, who was crying hysterically, dragged away from the scene and subsequently arrested. The other employee, Malak Salaymeh, confronted the soldiers at the checkpoint with other locals and internationals, and the 18 year old was arrested while another man was briefly detained.
The three that were arrested were released about three hours later.
In a statement, Shukri Zaroo, another teacher, said "The school is going through a very difficult period right now as the children are having problems comprehending the material. Their understanding is affected due to their emotional state and the stress due to the daily attacks by the occupation forces, which are continuously escalating. There are also a percentage of children who are late for school, who run away from school, and some who avoid school altogether, because coming to school is such a stressful and frightening experience for them." source: UN
This is not an isolated incident. There are many accounts of Israeli police using tear gas and stun grenades on children, often targetting them on their way to school in the morning. Frankly I find this completely unacceptable, immoral, disgusting, and without question an unlawful use of excessive force. Many parents in the UK and Europe find the school run stressful, whether it be due to the morning rush at home, or trafficfromparents that could easily walk their children, or the tantrums of the children themselves. Imagine facing this next time you take your children to school, or even them facing it alone.
The lack of action by the United Nations is criminal in itself, you would think at the very least they would want to protect their assets. Speaking of another attack in August, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that it " is yet another gross violation of international humanitarian law, which clearly requires protection by both parties of Palestinian civilians, UN staff and UN premises, among other civilian facilities, United Nations shelters must be safe zones not combat zones. This attack, along with other breaches of international law, must be swiftly investigated and those responsible held accountable. It is a moral outrage and a criminal act.”
Surely actions, not words, must be taken at this point, there are varying opinions on the death and casualty toll, but without a doubt too much civilian life is being lost in Palestine.
Watch the video here.
Information Courtesy of International Solidarity Movement.
Saturday, 6 September 2014
False Flag Events in the Modern World
There are many "conspiracy theories" that float about when it comes to understanding America and it's powers. From the "Who Shot J.F.K.?" stories, to those who believe the 9/11disaster could have been nothing other than a hologramand well placed explosives. But let'stake a minute to analyse the phrase "Conspiracy Theory."
conspiracy theory
- a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for an unexplained event.
It says nowhere in that definition that a conspiracy theory may not be credible, or plausible, or even likely, yet various establishments over the years have "weaponised" the term, in order to discredit those who may favour them, and brand them as "The Tin Foil Hat Brigade."
So, lets take a look back at some historical conspiracy theories.
First, lets look at the private sector. Many "paranoid freaks" once suggested that tobacco firms had engineered their particular brands of tobacco to be more addictive than their rivals'. This was discounted as ridiculous ramblings of the minority, yet in 1999, ASH and the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, investigated various tobacco product manufacturers and found that indeed they DID indeed engineer their products to increase addiction. Not only that, but the rabbit hole went deeper. Their evidence indicated that Chocolate and other sweet ingredients were used in the making of such products to make them more palettable to children, and the other additives used were toxic themselves, increasing the harm that smoking them would do. BUT.... the conspiracy theorists were mad were they?
Or what about the early days of the internet? Remember those dial-up modems and that awful sound? Well some crazy people suggested that the adverts we were seeing, or having to obsessively exit when the pop-ups flooded the screen, seemed to know what we were looking for, so surely they must be spying on what we were typing and visiting... The younger readers among you probably accept this as the norm, as it is now public knowledge that this DOES happen, but back then, it was crazy talk...
But what about the more important, the more damaging conspiracy theories? The ones that shook the world, the ones that allegedly covered up murders etc? Well there's always the idea that was spread about that the US government were supplying life-wrecking drugs to the poorer communities... That wasn't too far from the truth after all. Here is a quote from
The Central Intelligence Agency has been implicated in drug trafficking operations all over the world as well as domestically, most notably during the Iran-Contra affair, under which Contra personnel smuggled cocaine into the U.S. with the blessing of the CIA which was then distributed as crack cocaine in Los Angeles, with the profits being funneled back to the Contras.
Former Los Angeles Police Department officer Michael Ruppert also testified that he had witnessed CIA drug trafficking.
Top Mexican drug lords like Jesus Vicente Zambada Niebla have also gone public to assert that they were hired by the U.S. government for drug trafficking operations. There is a voluminous body of evidence that confirms the CIA and U.S. banking giants are the top players in a global drug trade worth hundreds of billions of dollars a year, information made public by the likes of Gary Webb.
It gets worse. There are such events throughout America's history. As far back as the American Civil War, there is still discrepancies that remain unsolved as to what really happened in some battles. But back in 1990, as tension in the Gulf rose, a young, honest looking girl went before the Congressional Human Rights to plead with them, telling them about all the atrocities that were happening in Kuwait. "Nurse Nayirah" told the world that the Iraqis (they're a common enemy aren't they?) were literally murdering new born babies, taking them from their incubators and taking the incubators away. That sounds like the kind of horror you only read in the Bible. Of course the public were outraged that such a thing could be happening, and the US government got the public backing to go and back Kuwait, so Bush got his Gulf War that he so desperately sought. The western media broadcast and reported her testimony multiple times, on as many networks that they could... but no one reported the truth. The truth, was that she was the daughter of Kuwaiti Ambassador to the US, Saud Al-Sabah, and her testimony was engineered to provide the outcome that it effected. The sad truth, was that babies did indeed die, at or near the time that she stated. But it was found to be the fault of the Kuwaiti doctors and nurses that fled the hospitals, leaving them behind. Now, it is publicly accessible knowledge that these are indeed the facts, yet trust is still invested in our world governments despite the amount of times the wool is pulled over our eyes to manipulate us towards a particular end.
The US aren't alone. England joined forces with them for operation Gladio, which later became responsible for many unnecessary civilian deaths, disguised as terror attacks by other parties, very similar to when the Nazis attacked a German radio station dressed in Polish uniforms.
Then there's the Spanish-American War. The sinking of the USS Maine is said to have started it, when an alleged Spanish mine exploded beneath the ship, sinking it. TWO american led investigations determined that as the cause. An independent inquiry reached a different conclusion. It was found to be an INTERNAL explosion, most likely a result of the combustion of fuel coal which was being stored next to a room containing 4.5 tonnes of powder charges. Perhaps a mistake, but that would have undoubtedly been discovered in their initial examinations.
Then there's the bribery and propaganda that took place during the coup d'état in Iran, 1953. Last year the CIA admitted liability for this, a quick google will show you the details, now mostly declassified and available to view in the CIA archives.
Also newly declassified, are files that suggest that the USS Maddox incident, or the Gulf of Tonkin incident, was a false flag operation by the NSA. It used manufactured radar signatures to make it appear the on the second incident that there were North Vietnamese Naval vessels present,when in fact there were not.
The list goes on. At the time these incidents occurred, any suggestion that our governments were being dishonest would have been either laughed at, or punishable. Yet now we know for a fact, that the "Tin Foil Hat Brigade" were right in these instances to suggest foul play by a "covert but influential organization."
So what about today? What recent events have conspiracy theories surrounding them, and are they credible?
Let's start in Ukraine. When the Western Media portrayed what was happening during the sniper shootings in Odessa, they told us that there were snipers both sides, shooting eachother. However, medical examiners have deduced that all the casualties that resulted from said snipers were shot from the same point of origin, with even some of the ballistics matching up. It just so happens, that three weeks prior to this awful, awful event, American private military travelled to the area. I do not know under which name they travelled, they have a few to choose from, there's Blackwater, Xe Services, Constellis Holdings (they could potentially use the name of the other companies that are under the umbrella of Constellis) and Academi. It was confirmed that they were there for a covert operation of some sort, but it is not known what.
It is also believed, and highly probable, that the United States are responsible for placing Poroshenko into power in Ukraine, and raising the U.D.A., the army that then began searching for Jews to purge in Eastern Ukraine soon after, shooting civilians, causing so much unrest that the locals were forced to take up arms to defend their houses and towns.These innocents have now been branded by the US, with absolutely no evidence, as Pro-Russian Separatists/Rebels, and they are accusing them of shooting at and firing shells/explosives at their own town. That is already proved to be lies. Members of the Ukrainian Army have been stopped and interviewed by civilians at checkpoints, and it has been revealed that the soldiers in the Ukrainian Army have been told the same lies, but now see that it is not true. Many of them are already distraught at the fact that they are firing on their own people, on their own towns, but feel that they have no choice, as they have been threatened with 30 years in military prison if they do not follow the orders. Imagine that for a second. Being placed in an armoured vehicle with your peers, then told to fire shells at cities and towns that you may have called home, or home to relatives, and if you don't do it, then you face 30 years imprisonment, or in some cases, you would be shot yourself. There are many victims on many levels in this conflict. And the West insist that Russia is behind it all, that these civilians are not just taking up arms to protect their homes, their families, their country, that they are being secretly armed, and encouraged by Russia. Aside from the recent apparent accident where a routine Russian patrol appeared to temporarily cross the border in an area where it is not clearly mapped, all Russia has done is asked the world to come and observe her borders. And those that have, have witnessed the countless provocations from Ukraine, goading Russia to retaliate, but it has not, despite the US saying one minute that their inaction is a War Crime, and in another that if they DID act that that would be a War Crime too. No observers have seen any military equipment cross that border, only a HUGE convoy of trucks containing aid for the people of Ukraine. And they even accused that of being a Russian "Trojan Horse."
And there are more things going on in Ukraine, that are not reported in the West, and things that are being reported in the West that are NOT going on in Ukraine.
Then there's Gaza. An American blogger/political activist recently uploaded a video to YouTube, which depicted many many bodies laid out underneath sheets, but you could clearly see them moving. According to Pam Geller, who I am guessing cannot speak or read Arabic, this was footage from Gaza, recently, showing that they were lying about people being killed, suggesting that it was a stunt to trick the western media into thinking that people were dying when they are not. Well, there were literally thousands that died at the hands of Israelis in Gaza. The footage she was attempting to pass off, was actually part of a protest in EGYPT, and filmed OVER A YEAR AGO... She of course was relying on the western population not being able to understand the Arabic, which clearly states this. Now maybe it was deliberate, maybe it was misinformed. But misinformation in any form, innocent or not, is a dangerous, dangerous thing. After all, it launched the Gulf War, the Spanish-American War, and has resulted in the loss of life the globe over at some point or another.
What concerns me is that despite the growing number of people that now DO question the media, they DO question the authorities over us, they do not use their voice. They MUST speak out against this injustice. A government is there to serve a country's people to the best of its abilities, in the interest of the PEOPLE. The role of a media corporation is to inform us of the FACTS, the REAL EVENTS going on around the world today. The press should not be for sale, or follow any agenda other than to bring the TRUTH to the world.And the government need to be reminded, that we, the people, have the power, we, the people, have the rights, and we, the people have the numbers. This is OUR world. we should not allow them to use our flags, and our names, and our taxes, to fulfill their own agenda.
A world without deception is the first step towards true peace.
conspiracy theory
- a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for an unexplained event.
It says nowhere in that definition that a conspiracy theory may not be credible, or plausible, or even likely, yet various establishments over the years have "weaponised" the term, in order to discredit those who may favour them, and brand them as "The Tin Foil Hat Brigade."
So, lets take a look back at some historical conspiracy theories.
First, lets look at the private sector. Many "paranoid freaks" once suggested that tobacco firms had engineered their particular brands of tobacco to be more addictive than their rivals'. This was discounted as ridiculous ramblings of the minority, yet in 1999, ASH and the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, investigated various tobacco product manufacturers and found that indeed they DID indeed engineer their products to increase addiction. Not only that, but the rabbit hole went deeper. Their evidence indicated that Chocolate and other sweet ingredients were used in the making of such products to make them more palettable to children, and the other additives used were toxic themselves, increasing the harm that smoking them would do. BUT.... the conspiracy theorists were mad were they?
Or what about the early days of the internet? Remember those dial-up modems and that awful sound? Well some crazy people suggested that the adverts we were seeing, or having to obsessively exit when the pop-ups flooded the screen, seemed to know what we were looking for, so surely they must be spying on what we were typing and visiting... The younger readers among you probably accept this as the norm, as it is now public knowledge that this DOES happen, but back then, it was crazy talk...
But what about the more important, the more damaging conspiracy theories? The ones that shook the world, the ones that allegedly covered up murders etc? Well there's always the idea that was spread about that the US government were supplying life-wrecking drugs to the poorer communities... That wasn't too far from the truth after all. Here is a quote from
The Central Intelligence Agency has been implicated in drug trafficking operations all over the world as well as domestically, most notably during the Iran-Contra affair, under which Contra personnel smuggled cocaine into the U.S. with the blessing of the CIA which was then distributed as crack cocaine in Los Angeles, with the profits being funneled back to the Contras.
Former Los Angeles Police Department officer Michael Ruppert also testified that he had witnessed CIA drug trafficking.
Top Mexican drug lords like Jesus Vicente Zambada Niebla have also gone public to assert that they were hired by the U.S. government for drug trafficking operations. There is a voluminous body of evidence that confirms the CIA and U.S. banking giants are the top players in a global drug trade worth hundreds of billions of dollars a year, information made public by the likes of Gary Webb.
It gets worse. There are such events throughout America's history. As far back as the American Civil War, there is still discrepancies that remain unsolved as to what really happened in some battles. But back in 1990, as tension in the Gulf rose, a young, honest looking girl went before the Congressional Human Rights to plead with them, telling them about all the atrocities that were happening in Kuwait. "Nurse Nayirah" told the world that the Iraqis (they're a common enemy aren't they?) were literally murdering new born babies, taking them from their incubators and taking the incubators away. That sounds like the kind of horror you only read in the Bible. Of course the public were outraged that such a thing could be happening, and the US government got the public backing to go and back Kuwait, so Bush got his Gulf War that he so desperately sought. The western media broadcast and reported her testimony multiple times, on as many networks that they could... but no one reported the truth. The truth, was that she was the daughter of Kuwaiti Ambassador to the US, Saud Al-Sabah, and her testimony was engineered to provide the outcome that it effected. The sad truth, was that babies did indeed die, at or near the time that she stated. But it was found to be the fault of the Kuwaiti doctors and nurses that fled the hospitals, leaving them behind. Now, it is publicly accessible knowledge that these are indeed the facts, yet trust is still invested in our world governments despite the amount of times the wool is pulled over our eyes to manipulate us towards a particular end.
The US aren't alone. England joined forces with them for operation Gladio, which later became responsible for many unnecessary civilian deaths, disguised as terror attacks by other parties, very similar to when the Nazis attacked a German radio station dressed in Polish uniforms.
Then there's the Spanish-American War. The sinking of the USS Maine is said to have started it, when an alleged Spanish mine exploded beneath the ship, sinking it. TWO american led investigations determined that as the cause. An independent inquiry reached a different conclusion. It was found to be an INTERNAL explosion, most likely a result of the combustion of fuel coal which was being stored next to a room containing 4.5 tonnes of powder charges. Perhaps a mistake, but that would have undoubtedly been discovered in their initial examinations.
Then there's the bribery and propaganda that took place during the coup d'état in Iran, 1953. Last year the CIA admitted liability for this, a quick google will show you the details, now mostly declassified and available to view in the CIA archives.
Also newly declassified, are files that suggest that the USS Maddox incident, or the Gulf of Tonkin incident, was a false flag operation by the NSA. It used manufactured radar signatures to make it appear the on the second incident that there were North Vietnamese Naval vessels present,when in fact there were not.
The list goes on. At the time these incidents occurred, any suggestion that our governments were being dishonest would have been either laughed at, or punishable. Yet now we know for a fact, that the "Tin Foil Hat Brigade" were right in these instances to suggest foul play by a "covert but influential organization."
So what about today? What recent events have conspiracy theories surrounding them, and are they credible?
Let's start in Ukraine. When the Western Media portrayed what was happening during the sniper shootings in Odessa, they told us that there were snipers both sides, shooting eachother. However, medical examiners have deduced that all the casualties that resulted from said snipers were shot from the same point of origin, with even some of the ballistics matching up. It just so happens, that three weeks prior to this awful, awful event, American private military travelled to the area. I do not know under which name they travelled, they have a few to choose from, there's Blackwater, Xe Services, Constellis Holdings (they could potentially use the name of the other companies that are under the umbrella of Constellis) and Academi. It was confirmed that they were there for a covert operation of some sort, but it is not known what.
It is also believed, and highly probable, that the United States are responsible for placing Poroshenko into power in Ukraine, and raising the U.D.A., the army that then began searching for Jews to purge in Eastern Ukraine soon after, shooting civilians, causing so much unrest that the locals were forced to take up arms to defend their houses and towns.These innocents have now been branded by the US, with absolutely no evidence, as Pro-Russian Separatists/Rebels, and they are accusing them of shooting at and firing shells/explosives at their own town. That is already proved to be lies. Members of the Ukrainian Army have been stopped and interviewed by civilians at checkpoints, and it has been revealed that the soldiers in the Ukrainian Army have been told the same lies, but now see that it is not true. Many of them are already distraught at the fact that they are firing on their own people, on their own towns, but feel that they have no choice, as they have been threatened with 30 years in military prison if they do not follow the orders. Imagine that for a second. Being placed in an armoured vehicle with your peers, then told to fire shells at cities and towns that you may have called home, or home to relatives, and if you don't do it, then you face 30 years imprisonment, or in some cases, you would be shot yourself. There are many victims on many levels in this conflict. And the West insist that Russia is behind it all, that these civilians are not just taking up arms to protect their homes, their families, their country, that they are being secretly armed, and encouraged by Russia. Aside from the recent apparent accident where a routine Russian patrol appeared to temporarily cross the border in an area where it is not clearly mapped, all Russia has done is asked the world to come and observe her borders. And those that have, have witnessed the countless provocations from Ukraine, goading Russia to retaliate, but it has not, despite the US saying one minute that their inaction is a War Crime, and in another that if they DID act that that would be a War Crime too. No observers have seen any military equipment cross that border, only a HUGE convoy of trucks containing aid for the people of Ukraine. And they even accused that of being a Russian "Trojan Horse."
And there are more things going on in Ukraine, that are not reported in the West, and things that are being reported in the West that are NOT going on in Ukraine.
Then there's Gaza. An American blogger/political activist recently uploaded a video to YouTube, which depicted many many bodies laid out underneath sheets, but you could clearly see them moving. According to Pam Geller, who I am guessing cannot speak or read Arabic, this was footage from Gaza, recently, showing that they were lying about people being killed, suggesting that it was a stunt to trick the western media into thinking that people were dying when they are not. Well, there were literally thousands that died at the hands of Israelis in Gaza. The footage she was attempting to pass off, was actually part of a protest in EGYPT, and filmed OVER A YEAR AGO... She of course was relying on the western population not being able to understand the Arabic, which clearly states this. Now maybe it was deliberate, maybe it was misinformed. But misinformation in any form, innocent or not, is a dangerous, dangerous thing. After all, it launched the Gulf War, the Spanish-American War, and has resulted in the loss of life the globe over at some point or another.
What concerns me is that despite the growing number of people that now DO question the media, they DO question the authorities over us, they do not use their voice. They MUST speak out against this injustice. A government is there to serve a country's people to the best of its abilities, in the interest of the PEOPLE. The role of a media corporation is to inform us of the FACTS, the REAL EVENTS going on around the world today. The press should not be for sale, or follow any agenda other than to bring the TRUTH to the world.And the government need to be reminded, that we, the people, have the power, we, the people, have the rights, and we, the people have the numbers. This is OUR world. we should not allow them to use our flags, and our names, and our taxes, to fulfill their own agenda.
A world without deception is the first step towards true peace.
CIA drug,
conspiracy theory,
false flag,
gulf war,
operation northwoods,
uss maine
Friday, 5 September 2014
The Risen People: What We Are
What We Stand For
With our pages and channels we aim to highlight and provide news, information and developments on topics and situations across the globe. We are individuals, but we also understand the need for us to come together and work together and provide the people with real facts. We try to highlight Human Rights violations wherever they may be, and causes that should be brought to peoples attention, as well as sharing information on Health and Well being.
In our articles we tend to work independently from one another, but also collaborate with ideas and thoughts on any given situation. We behind the Risen People do not always agree with the things we post, but may see real merit in bringing these topics to the forefront of discussion and debate. In the near future we will be bringing more original work from our members including articles and videos, these works take a lot of time and effort, not only on our part but from you, our supporters. We know the importance of recognising different viewpoints and opinions, and actively encourage such participation. In this evolving age, it is necessary to properly utilize social networks and other forms of media to highlight the very real issues affecting us today in our world.
We plan to create a website in the near future, which will include our work, your work, and much more, forming partnerships in solidarity with the people. These partnerships of course will span a wide range of issues and peoples, but first and foremost we are on the side of HUMANITY. The information war is being fought from all sides, it is all of our responsibilities to ensure that the collective fights it for the hearts and minds of the people. We believe the truth of things should be in the open, the deception of the masses for the benefit of hidden or personal agendas is totally wrong. This is why we let people air their points without censorship, and we are tolerant, but attacks on religions, ethnic groups or minorities will not be tolerated from here on in, it does nothing but stifle real debate among our members and is not productive for anyone.
We look forward to a long and prosperous partnership, with you - The Risen People.
The World is Entering a Multi-polar Phase in Global Governance
moves we are seeing on the international stage by both East and West
have in part been driven by the rise of the BRICS nations and the fall
of the Petro Dollar system. The sanctions on Russia are not only to do
with Ukraine but also the continued growth in BRICS, anyone or anything
that rivals the Dollar is an enemy to those who want to keep the status
quo. But as we are seeing, the move to a more multi polar world is well
underway - both in regards to economics, and actions being taken to
oppose Western Hegemony. We have seen the construction of US military
bases all over the globe, the disintegration of nation states and the
subjugation of nations through economic terror driven by the IMF and
Rothschild owned Central Bank. This is nearly always inflicted on any
nation that has had the misfortune of falling into the cross hairs of
the US sponsored regime change - one comes after the other it seems,
with the continuation of NATO and its shady moves dominated usually by
certain countries or country all in the name of spreading ‘Democracy.’
In 2000, there were 7 countries in the world without a Rothschild owned
Central Bank: Afghanistan, Cuba, Iraq, Iran, Libya, North Korea and
Sudan. In the following three years, we all know what happened, and lo
and behold, Afghanistan and Iraq gained said banks. In the next three
years Libya and Sudan followed suit. This leaves only Cuba, North Korea,
and Iran as the only countries in the world without a Rothschild-owned
Central Bank. Interestingly enough, General Wesley Clark describes a
memo which he received in the months following 9/11:
he said, “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out
seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria,
Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.”' - General
Wesley Clark.
move to stand up against US dominance to step in to protect it’s allies
and of course its own interests in Syria was a turning point in the
international arena. It was a stand against what has been the norm for
decades with certain establishments able to go to war or to create
regime change on a whim. The stand from Putin should of course been with
Libya which could have saved many thousands of lives and maybe it would
have saved Libya from the turmoil it is in now and maybe even stopped
the conflict in Syria from escalating. Who knows. What I do know, is
that the so called Arab Spring was manufactured by outside players with
many different agendas - the people were played like pawns.
and Russia continued to Veto any moves to topple the Assad regime,
while those that wanted to see Syria end up like Libya sat foaming at
the mouth furious that realities were changing - the US was not now the
sole dominant nation on the international stage. If you think of the
globe as a giant chessboard, each player is making moves to contain the
other and the pawns each get closer and closer until one has to make a
move to decide if they keep or lose their pawn. In Syria, when China and
Russia vetoed sanctions and suggestions of intervention, this was the
US losing one of their pawns, the game is now in full swing with flash
points around the globe: Syria, Ukraine and Iraq being the main stages.
People speak about world war 3 but i am content in saying world war 3
may have started a long while ago.
recent days David Cameron has announced that the UK might go ahead with
strikes on ISIS both inside Iraq and Syria, even after Syria warned
that strikes on its territory would not be tolerated. This doesn't seem
to matter, as Prime Minister Cameron dismissed suggestions that bombing
raids in Syria would need permission from Damascus, this would be a
blatant breach of international law and a breach of sovereignty,
therefore Syria could respond accordingly if they decided to do so.
of this combined has the potential to be a Cold War 2.0 scenario, and
it seems many are thinking in such mentalities from the Mainstream to
people in the highest echelons of power. This is a dangerous road we are
headed down, old ways of thinking need to be shed before we can move
forward as a world, if the NATO expansion towards Russia's borders and
the expansion of the US empire into Asia does not cease we could see a
very real world war being sparked. This is the last thing we want! We
have enough war and strife already, for a very clear world war to kick
off would be disastrous for everyone.
latest news ukraine,
New world,
World bank
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