What We Stand For
With our pages and channels we aim to highlight and provide news, information and developments on topics and situations across the globe. We are individuals, but we also understand the need for us to come together and work together and provide the people with real facts. We try to highlight Human Rights violations wherever they may be, and causes that should be brought to peoples attention, as well as sharing information on Health and Well being.
In our articles we tend to work independently from one another, but also collaborate with ideas and thoughts on any given situation. We behind the Risen People do not always agree with the things we post, but may see real merit in bringing these topics to the forefront of discussion and debate. In the near future we will be bringing more original work from our members including articles and videos, these works take a lot of time and effort, not only on our part but from you, our supporters. We know the importance of recognising different viewpoints and opinions, and actively encourage such participation. In this evolving age, it is necessary to properly utilize social networks and other forms of media to highlight the very real issues affecting us today in our world.
We plan to create a website in the near future, which will include our work, your work, and much more, forming partnerships in solidarity with the people. These partnerships of course will span a wide range of issues and peoples, but first and foremost we are on the side of HUMANITY. The information war is being fought from all sides, it is all of our responsibilities to ensure that the collective fights it for the hearts and minds of the people. We believe the truth of things should be in the open, the deception of the masses for the benefit of hidden or personal agendas is totally wrong. This is why we let people air their points without censorship, and we are tolerant, but attacks on religions, ethnic groups or minorities will not be tolerated from here on in, it does nothing but stifle real debate among our members and is not productive for anyone.
We look forward to a long and prosperous partnership, with you - The Risen People.
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