Saturday, 29 November 2014

Media wars- Mainstream media the greatest tool to sway public opinion in favor of war…

To this day many people still see mainstream media as a good reliable source of information but is this the case? . Again i will point out why people need to find other sources of info from alternative media outlets etc and not to souly rely on what the tv screen is saying. Throughout the decades media has been used to sway public opinion from presidential elections to the invasion of sovereign country’s. Most mainstream media outlets such as BBC,CNN and FOX usually tend to skirt around the edges of events without really delving into the story or if needs be they make the story. In the 1950’s the CIA launched ‘Operation Mockingbird’ this operation was to subdue free press and to control what was and was not for public consumption. In 1948 Frank Wesner was director of (OSP) Office of policy coordination which then ended up becoming the espionage and counter-intelligence branch of the Central Intelligence Agency. The director Frank Wesner was told to create a organization that would specialize in “propaganda, economic warfare; preventive direct action, including sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance groups, and support of indigenous anti-Communist elements in threatened countries of the free world.” Soon after the establishment of this organization Frank Wesner launched ‘Operation Mockingbird’ which also aimed to control not only domestic news but international news outlets as well. The CIA at one stage had over 400 agents planted throughout the media world from newspapers to Mainstream media outlets to small magazines. This operation was one that aimed to pull the wool over peoples eyes which in large part succeeded up. For decades Wesner was trying to find other ways to convince the public that communism was a very real threat to them and their way of living. Fast forward to today and we have another bogey man. The threats of terror attacks after 9/11 was ramped up turning public opinion in the direction the government wished. The ramping up of FEAR driven media was one of the main reasons the Iraqi invasion went ahead barely opposed by the public. Now we all know that what we were told at the time about chemical weapons etc was all a lie a pretext to invade but hindsight is a wonderful thing. The reasons behind the invasion are still debated. These tactics serve to bolster those individuals and organizations arguments for war playing on peoples emotions and also sowing chaos among peoples of what ever country finds itself in the cross hairs. If we move on to the NATO lead invasion of Libya which marked another turning point in the media/information wars. Media outlets ran with the narratives of the establishments without evidence or a clear idea of what was actually taking place inside the country at the time. This lead to the death of thousands and the mass lynching of African migrants who the media labeled mercenaries of Colonel Gaddafi. The lies continued reports came thick and fast that Libyan forces were actually taking Viagra to rape woman and that the Colonels forces were slaughtering people on the streets.. ( There was no evidence at all to suggest this was true or that mercenaries were in fact being brought in to fight for Gaddafi. This just turned out to be another feeble to play on the heart strings of the public and to ultimately push public opinion in favor of a NATO led invasion of Libya. During the staged revolution that was taking place it was being sold to the world as a revolution of the people but as we know now this was also nothing more than a manufactured lie for the reasons i stated above. As the conflict was in full swing some mainstream outlets namely Al Jazeera and Sky news went as far as showing videos of celebrations that were purportedly taking place in Libya’s Green square in the capital of the country. The video and images actually turned out to have been a staged event that had taken place in Qatar.( Throughout the coverage images from other revolutions and celebrations were also aired for example BBC showed pictures of an event that looks to actually have taken place somewhere in India while the crowd waved the Indian flag. This is an insult of the peoples intelligence. The BBC hoped that maybe no one would notice these deceptions. If we fast forward to the Syrian conflict we will see the exact same tactics being applied to sway public opinion. One of those most noticeable fabrications of events on the ground was that of the nuclear attack that mainstream media outlets portrayed as an attack by government forces on the Damascus subberb Gouta. But an episode of the ‘Truthseeker’ aired detailing the ways in which this event had been falsly portrayed and even how some of the coverage was edited to suit the narrative that the Syrian army launched the weapon.( What had not been shown often was the fact that fighters of one of the main fighting groups Al-Nusra had been caught on the border a week or so before the nuclear attack with a quantity of ‘Sarin Nerve Gas’ That along with propaganda videos of masked men claiming to be testing nuclear elements on animals.( In fact members of Jabhat Al-Nusra had told an Associated Press that they had mishandled Saudi supplied chemical weapons which caused the Nuclear incident in Ghouta.( The fight against ‘Communism’ having been replaced with the fight against ‘Terrorism’ to adapt to the modern geo political situation we see today. IS is now the big enemy with constant coverage by the MSM along with a huge propaganda campaign utilizing social media and other platforms to reach the masses. Or we find pick another supposed enemy ‘Russia’ the media in the West scorns and demonizes ‘Russia’ as an aggressor against Ukraine and the ‘Free World’ in general but the people of those Western nations seem not to agree with this analysis. Is it because of a mass awakening to the fact that mainstream media lies ? At any rate in today’s world media is used more than ever to sway the peoples of the world example of which is that of the enemy ‘ISIS’ which came along months after the push to invade Syria collapsed and the war hawks had to back off. Again the push to enter Syria was proposed but this time it was the ‘Islamic state’ which was being used as a pretext for war. IS who seemed to come out of nowhere to be one of the most feared terror groups in the world was ultimately magnified 100x because of the constant coverage. This happened because of the medias constant fear mongering they basically put a magnifying glass on a group which blew them up to be something they are not. Yes the people within ‘IS’ are animals naive brainwashed people but we need to understand they are just another pawn which is being used in the geo political game which we see playing out today across the globe.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Report released on the investments by companies and institutions in Cluster Bomb munition producers

7 UK firms finance globally banned cluster bombs CMC member organisation PAX published a report on companies and institutions that have invested in the globally banned cluster bombs which are being used in places like Ukraine and Syria. Even in Laos almost 50 years since the bombs were dropped are still effecting residents of the surrounding areas to this very day. In the report it highlights financial institutions that have invested in the cluster bomb manufacturers. The report also hightlights those institutions that have disinvested from cluster bomb producers and subsequently established clear policies that make sure no more investments would be made in the future by the institution. The report was first published on 29 October 2009, and subsequent updates were published on 14 April 2010, 25 May 2011, 12 June 2012, and 12 December 2013. The report lists institutions who have been investing in these munitions from 2011 to 2014. 7 of those institutions are British and include insurance companies to asset management companies all come up in the ‘Worldwide Investments In Cluster Munitions’ report. International laws state these weapons are illegal to use because they are indiscriminate in nature which does not differentiate between fighter or civilian. Unexploded left overs usually is left after the detonation of one of these bombs leading to deaths not only of those hit by the bomb but also those who may happen to live in the surrounding area in some cases decades later like in Laos. Report download can be found here:

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Are We Seeing A world wide revival of peoples movements? from Ireland To America and beyond....

The world is seeing a revival of peoples movements from Ireland to the U.S. as well as standing in solidarity with one another. The establishments fear this the most unity among the peoples united under common causes driven by sheer anger of the injustices of the systems we find ourselves living in. In Ireland the water protests and acts of civil disobedience have been ratcheted up with calls now from RNU(Republican Network For Unity) for the people of the North to stand up against these unjust water charges which will be introduced to the North. On the 10th of December Ireland will see hundreds of thousands on the streets marching against the totally shameful acts of the government. As well in the South up North people will be taking to the streets of Belfast in solidarity with our brothers and sisters down South. We now know that water meters have been installed over the last lot of months RNU stated this but were shot down as 'Liars' by certain parties and individuals in power but as we now know they were far from lying. Real efforts to install these meters went underway under stealth. This will also see the people of the North rising and not just because of water charges because of the cuts and austerity forced upon us while the banks get bailed out the people get sold out. In the states people have been facing a somewhat similar situation in Detroit some people even had their water shut off in their homes. Some families and people could not afford another bill like this every month to turn off those peoples water is down right wrong Are we seeing a huge revival in peoples movements across the globe? It sure as hell feels like it. Lessons can be learned from Occupy but unlike Occupy these people won't be crushed they have reached a boiling point where the anger is just too much to contain no matter how much thee establishments try too.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Like living in an undeclared war zone... Police homicides have gone too far in the states and it's not restricted to one state it's a nation wide problem!

On Saturday we heard reports that a 12 year old boy had been shot down by Cleveland police. The police were phoned when a 911 call about a "man" with a gun that was "probably fake". During the call the caller added "i don't know if it's real or not". As we understand it the police officer who shot the boy was not informed by dispatch that the gun could be in fact a "fake" this one mistake led to the death of Tamir Rice. But on the back of the Michael Brown case this along with many other incidents of people having been gunned down by cops shows a clear underlying problem that is not restricted to one state or county. In the states the police do not track how many people have been killed at the hands of the police. The FBI keep track of what they label as "justifiable" police homicides which they report to be in and around 400 per year! This is an under count. The Facebook page 'Killed by police' has been keeping track of police killings. There tally listed more than 1,450 deaths caused by law-enforcement officers since the pages launch on May 1, 2013. That works out at around 3 people dieing per day at the hands of law enforcement. The page doesn’t claim that this is a comprehensive count, but it could be useful — like the count from the FBI’s annual Supplementary Homicide Report is useful — for setting a baseline number of police killings, as long as important caveats are acknowledged. Note: Not all posts are visible on the Killed By Police page because of a Facebook algorithm, Every link can be found in

Monday, 24 November 2014

Media wars continue -

Media wars continue - Mainstream media is being used to try and subdue the peoples of the nations in the west by FEAR , DECEPTION'S and down right LIES. It is promising to see and hear that a lot of people have woke up to this reality but it is also frustrating and even scarey how certain establishments along with friendly MSM outlets can quickly influence the way many people think and act. We would just have to look at Syria. When Obama was pushing for strikes inside Syria against the Syrian government a backlash quickly hit, the constant wars and conflicts have drained the will of the people to go into another war yet a few months on the people have been directed in such a way that they now support strikes on ISIS within Syria. This is why alternative media is so important if we did not have such outlets that actually seek to tell the truth and disseminate the evidence with the hopes that it will help inform and even educate the masses on events and topics that have so much sway on how we as the human family will end up in the future.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

IS raise the black flag over Libya... It was only a matter of time.

Reports the other day that the black flag of IS was raised in Tripoli, Libya. It was only a matter of time before this happened. CIA gun running from the US embassy in Benghazi and training of countless rag tag militias and mercenaries to fight against late leader Muammar Al Gaddafi lead to the rise of these extremist groups within Libya. It also should be noted this lead to the slaughter of migrant workers from central African countries men were hung from the lampposts and had their heads cut off in the middle of the streets all because of their skin color and a lie. These groups of people were in training from before the start of the Libyan uprising in places like Jordan and with help from French, Qatari UK and US special forces. Military 'advisers' to you and me. The fall of the Libyan state meant that the spotlight was now on Syria the groups that had taken part in the so called revolution were made up of fighters from groups linked to Al Qaeda Al Nusra etc they had now gained a platform from which they could launch attacks and had an open gate to Europe. Tho the shady handlers in the background manipulating these groups had one objective and that was to topple Assad which would mean all roads lead to Iran. And if we refer back to general Wesley Clark's we can see that Iran was the main aim in the speech he said “We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran” – General Wesley Clark. The rise of such a group as ISIS was inevitable after the NATO backed invasion of Libya only for the fact other nations began to stand up and speak out Syria would have been the exact same...

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

It's now time for Ireland and other nations to officially recognize a Palestinian state.

A group of 660 Israeli political figures and legislators are urging Ireland to formally recognize a Palestinian state, these figures are and have been highly influential in Israeli and international politics. The group includes the former Israeli Attorney General Michael Ben-Yair, former Israeli Ambassador to South Africa Ilan Baruch, and Nobel Prize Laureate Daniel Kahneman. In October the U.K.'s parliament voted to recognize a state of Palestine and also Sweden being the first European country to officially recognize Palestine. Spain was quick to follow suit. Now it's time for Ireland and others to do the same. The people of Ireland showed they where clearly in support of Palestine with demonstrations up and down the country as Israels slaughter of the indigenous population of Palestine continued during Israels last incursion into the Gaza strip. Day and daily it continues but it seems certain events be it a kid being shot in the face or houses being demolished are not for public consumption and only when an event that effects Israel come up shall the Mainstream talk about the situation there. I am not condoning any violence but it seems to me that only when Palestinians rise is the only time the MSM shines the light on what is happening there. Are some people who are murdered more worthy and more important that another? No so then why such a major discrepancy in the reporting on the situation there.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Brisbane G20 Total Lock Down Of Peoples Lives... Nothing to see here but Kualas.

As we watched the G20 take place in Australia you will have noticed MSM(Main Stream Media) was none stop with its Putin mania and Abbots comment that he would "shirt front" president Putin. Maybe you also got to see the Kuala bears the MSM turned the G20 into a complete circus with its coverage, They neglected to really talk about what was being discussed among the world leaders and about the problems we face today. First off we need to talk about the preparations for the summit. Just like we see everywhere and anywhere this summit takes place the surrounding areas or even the whole city is deemed a security zone huge fences are erected steel cages hundreds of police, secret service you name it. The city comes to a stand still and as the article "12 ways G20 Has Turned Brisbane Into a Orwellian Wasteland" states "Police are in total control" Buzzfeed news actually ordered an "Ubercade" just like the motorcade you would usually see at such an event a president or a prime minister, anyway they did this and found exactly what we have come to expect of the the growing global police state complete shutdown of peoples day to day lives. They describe being at several protests during the day while they drove around Brisbane in this "Ubercade" explaining that police heavily outweighed protestors and that any undesirables were swiftly taken care off by the local robocop. Many people actually packed up and left Brisbane because of the G20 coming, they new it would disrupt normal life for however long needed. These type of measures are increasingly the norm during such events and the people don't like it they are angry and rightfully so. In my article the ' The World is Entering a Multi-polar Phase in Global Governance' i talked about the rise of the BRICS nations and indeed since that article many developments have taken place it seemed the BRICS nations stole the show during the summit. The rise of the BRICS is a very real rival to U.S. hegemony and dominance. Chinese President Xi Jinping added that BRICS cooperation should not only boost the global economy, but also ensure global peace. As seen in Syria when Russia and China stood up to another illegal war being pushed by certain establishments and individuals within those establishments this was for me the first clear sign of opposition rising. The U.S. president and his cohorts sat and discussed how else to put pressure on Russia during the summit instead of working on real solutions to very real issues, Obama was more interested in facing down his rival or trying to... The rise of the BRICS and a clear rival to the Petro dollar system is seen as a major threat by those who need to maintain the status quo for their own benefit. No matter what those MSM outlets who fail to acknowledge the facts and would rather portray a false reality to the public will and are gradually loosing the information war. The rise of this opposition does not stop with the BRICS and those in high places. People right across the world have been rising, pockets of resistance have sprung up all over the globe against the status quo the people are crying out for change. We need to realize no matter how much we may think we hate all politicians or all establishments we need to be realistic and understand those in power can be a force for good "actions speak louder than words" yes they do a balance is needed in our world and the BRICS is bringing that balance. A new world order is upon us but as i have said before it is up to us the people what type of order do we want, the people have decided this order is not working for our world people are dieing daily inequality is the worst it has ever been. Change is upon us we the people must keep the pressure going keeping up the good work fighting the information war daily fighting the lies and bias untruth of those MSM who look to deceive the people “If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” ― Malcolm X

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

The Gardai just another tentical of thee establishment, striking out like a wounded animal...

Parts of Ireland tonight seen and experienced first hand aggression against the community's by Gardai, the Gardai seem to have changed tactics in its fight to help instal the water meters without the consent of the people living in those areas, and to quell those who have taken to the streets to voice their anger. This is just another sign of the establishments starting to crash under pressure from the people of Ireland, like a wounded animal the Gardai strike in the interests of the few. You are either with people or against the people, for a long time now Gardai have targeted activists through political policing targeting republicans day and daily just like their comrades the PSNI in the North of the Island. It needs to be understood that the Gardai are just another tentical of the establishment, individual Gardai members need to make a conscious decision not to take part in these type of actions against the community no more, the people are slowly but surly coming off their knees and at the end of the day you will have to answer to those very people you attack and restrict from expressing their democratic right to protest....

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Syrian Rebels Describe Their Training By Foreign Powers

A while back i done an article on IS(Islamic State) where i mentioned interviews done with Syrian rebels who give these interviews on how and where they were trained by foreign powers to go and fight inside Syria against the Syrian Army... On May 26th PBS released a report "Syrian Rebels Describe U.S. -Backed Training In Qatar" in which rebels who are currently receiving arms and training from the U.S. were quoted as saying “They trained us to ambush regime or enemy vehicles and cut off the road,” said the fighter, who is identified only as “Hussein.” “They also trained us on how to attack a vehicle, raid it, retrieve information or weapons and munitions, and how to finish off soldiers still alive after an ambush" Many of these figthers as i stated in my last article on IS usually gravitate to the bigger groups being Al Nusra and Islamic State, in turn the weaponry and funding which was once for so called moderates ends in the hands of the radicals thus fuelling the never ending chaos we are now seeing in the Middle East... I have to continue to ask the question are these radical groups being used as a pretext for regime change inside Syria to topple a democratically elected leader? We have seen it many times before and it's my honest opinion we will continue to see this trend so long as the nations of the world bends the knee to the U.S. empire spanning the entire globe.