Thursday, 28 August 2014

The Modern Day Crusades Of The Middle East

The situation we are now seeing play out in the middle east are literally echoes from the past, the past invasions occupations, the past training and funding of fundamentalists and the past slaughter of hundreds of thousands even millions of innocent people in the region.

The rise of ISIS did not happen on its own, gradually over the last decade the same people filling the ranks of ISIS were also trained, armed and funded by the same Western powers who are now seeking to stop them in their tracks in Iraq, the militants have also had full backing of the Gulf states namely Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait.

In the early days of ISIS we seen a steady stream of funds come from the Arab Gulf and thru Kuwait, “Everybody knows the money is going through Kuwait and that it’s coming from the Arab Gulf,” said Andrew Tabler, senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. “Kuwait’s banking system and its money changers have long been a huge problem because they are a major conduit for money to extremist groups in Syria and now Iraq.”

Ex prime minister of Iraq Al Malki had been publicly accusing the Gulf states of supporting the likes of ISIS militants for months, a number of detailed reports were released showing how private Gulf funding to opposition groups in Syria splintered the opposition paving the way for the rise of ISIS and other extremist groups, this coupled with the push to arm so called ‘Moderate’ opposition fighters has lead to an extremely well equipped ISIS this inherently lead to what we are now seeing in Iraq with several towns and cities fallen into the hands of the militants each time acquiring even more equipment and supplies including American made vehicles, arms, and ammunition.

But where these groups won their biggest victory was in Libya during the conflict there in 2011 supported by constant NATO bombardments of regime emplacements and positions. The NATO operations began on the 19th of March 2011 with a total of 759 strikes killing many hundreds if not thousands of innocent people from Sirte to Tripoli.

The US along with the UK,Turkey, Israel and those Gulf states mentioned all had a major part to play in the growth of these extremist groups, be that through the air strikes, training, funding in Libya or letting such groups use border crossings to launch attacks on sovereign states like Syria.

Not long after the Western sponsored rising began in Libya some groups within the opposition started rounding up migrant workers and systematically killing them, the reasons behind this we were told is because these people were mercenaries of the regime and had been brought in by Gaddafi to fight the so called ‘rebels’ and crush the revolution, no evidence was ever provided to suggest this was the case, this did not stop those groups from systematically murdering thousands under the watchful eye of the Western powers, this would set the stage for what we are now seeing in Iraq and across the region…

At the time of the US consulate attack there was uproar, the media would have us believe the uproar was because of an anti islamic movie seen by millions at the time but of course that was not the case, the fact was the CIA were running guns and training opposition fighters from the US consulate, dozens of CIA operatives were reported to have been in the area at the time.

Those within the US government who knew about the CIA operations also knew about the coming attack which seen the death of US ambassador Chris Stevens and several other American nationals.

These operations looked to bolster the ranks of the opposition  groups who were being sold to the Western populaces as moderate fighters in an organic revolution against the “Tyrannical” regime’s all of which was untrue as we now know, the main winners in all of this were the main extremist groups like ISIS and Ansar Al Shariah and those backing these groups, or so their they thought…

The same groups fighting in Syria against the Assad regime were those in Libya  using Libya as a staging post to launch attacks anywhere in the region like in Iraq with the rise of ISIS  Libya is also a gateway to Europe.

Interviews done with former ‘rebels’ over the last few years who both fought in Libya  who found themselves gradually joining the ranks of ISIS and Al-Nusra(Linked to Al-Qieda) suggest a large percentage of those militants were in fact trained and armed by Western powers such as the US and UK.

 Senator John Mcain was pictured with an ISIS commander who he said was a moderate and so did the mainstream media at the time who have been more than willing to run with the establishments narratives. What the Main-stream failed to explain was that 2 of those pictured with Mcain were involved in the “kidnapping of 11 Shiite pilgrims one year ago.”  

See article below about false narratives and deceptions by the media


The UK government had a hand in funding and supporting the so called ‘moderate’ fighters with logistics, armored vehicles and non lethal aid. They also aided the same people in Libya during the NATO bombardments it was full speed ahead until this snag in the road.

Even after seeing the monster they help create with hundreds of people leaving the UK to fight in ‘Holy wars’ in Syria, according to Foreign Minister Philip Hammond they only deal with ‘moderate’ fighters with the usual outcome the weaponry always seems to make its way to these main extremist groups, they are adding fuel to the fire with these actions.
This man was also a British Army Officer, how he can disregard this threat with his supposed know how on this kind of thing is beyond me.

In the last few months we had an FSA(Free Syrian Army) commander admit to getting support from the Israeli government in a video which was uploaded to youtube, the commander said they were supplied with both military aid and funding, the commander also said he would bring fighters from the front to Israel but only when he let them know they were coming, Israel would
then send these fighters for treatment and send them back to Syria, this just confirms what people have suspected over the recent years.(

“In the East of Syria, there is no Free Syrian Army any longer. All Free Syrian Army people [there] have joined the Islamic State,” says Abu Yusaf, a high-level security commander of the Islamic State.

IS took over oil and gas fields in eastern Syria, they also obtained large amounts of cash and gold(From banks in areas controlled by opposition) and at the same time obtaining large amounts of equipment and weaponry in it’s fight against the Iraq and Syrian armies.

From way before the conflicts we had the usual warhawks within certain establishments and media outlets calling for the overthrow of Gaddafi and the regime, this was nothing new the same thing happened in Syria with calls to topple Assad which very nearly seen the US going alone to strike targets in Syria against the regime on false pre-texts(See Article above)

A high-ranking official of one of the Western secret services directly expressed his concern about turning of the controlled Islamic extremist enclaves in Syria into one of the strongholds of “global jihad”.

Hundreds of Muslims from Europe and the United States, who wish to gain combat experience on the side of the terrorists, go there. He went even further, underlining that “the armed forces of the Syrian regime should be preserved for future battles with the Islamists.

There isn’t just one overwhelming objective when it comes to the Middle East, there is a number of things at play when it comes to the ousting of so called ‘Tyrannical’ governments over humanitarian grounds which are never really founded in reality, or the moves to support certain factions to fight  proxy wars.

 Now the powers that be have Russia and BRICS nations making major moves both in terms of economics, technology and also the fact Russia has started to stand up to address the unbalanced world order, the empire of the US has been falling and they are afraid of that, it’s like holding onto sand pouring through your fingers and the sooner people wake up to this the better

It’s clear that governments who align themselves with the US must follow foreign policy not set by their own government but the government of the US itself, to safe-guard firstly its own interests in the Middle East those of who defy this are quickly in the firing line either for outside sponsored revolution or all out invasion which is never called invasion always a revolution but as we know the occupation does not need soldiers on the ground or military bases to subdue nations, not anymore. See article below (

Sunday, 17 August 2014

The subjugation of Ukraine goes on living standards in decline, economic terrorism? And the brutal crushing of dissent....

Nearly 5 months after the military were given the go ahead by illegally installed Prime minister Yatsinych to launch what he called "Terror operations" against Self Defense Militias of the DPR we are seeing escalations both in the information war being fought thru-out the web and the airwaves, the war being fought on the ground with accusations being flung around by officials in the West and Kiev, nearly all of which have been shown to be nothing but just that accusations.

Most recent accusation being that a Russian armoured military convoy crossed the Ukraine border and was subsequently destroyed, the National Security And Defense Council of Ukraine said they had confirmed "A part of the column does not exist now" but did not elaborate further on what had actually taken place if anything at all as no evidence so far has been presented.

On Thursday the 15th two foreign journalists said they had seen a convoy of Russian army vehicles cross the border. Pictures were then posted later on a social networking site but with no information of where and when they were taken, but that has not stopped the war talk from the usual culprits in the media running with the narrative of Kiev without properly verifying the information. We have seen this before also with the MH17 tragedy and the lack of clear evidence for certain accusations.

If the recent history of the US state department is anything to go by this could be another escalation in their eyes that Russia is indeed invading Ukraine, without evidence of course, well not the evidence that would usually be credible in a normal court but trial by media shall continue it seems.

Valery Chaly, deputy head of Poreshenko's said "A huge military convoy accompanied by Russian soldiers and equipment
was moving towards the Ukrainian border, allegedly by agreement with the Red Cross,"

"A humanitarian column with 'peacekeepers' was to enter the territory of Ukraine, clearly to provoke a full-scale conflict,"

Maria Zakharova, a spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, dismissed the statement by Chaly as untrue.

"Each time Kiev is more and more inventive in creating fairy tales," she said, noting that special protocols had to be completed before Russian troops could be sent abroad.

"The (Ukrainian) National Guard probably have to report about their achievements in the field, so they pretended they have some," she said.

Chaly said Poroshenko held urgent talks with his security chiefs and world leaders, though he did not specify which ones. Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said separately he had called his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov who had assured him the convoy would be stopped.

"As of now, the danger of provocation has been removed, but operational staff continue to work," Chaly said.

Maria Zakharova, a spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, dismissed the statement by Chaly as untrue.

"Each time Kiev is more and more inventive in creating fairy tales,"

Economic Subjugation Of The Ukrainian People

Soon after the illegal and unconstitutional overthrow of the democratically elected Yanukovych government with much from US funded NGO’s and Far right Neo Nazi groups. The new government came to power which included a number of the Far-Right Ultra nationalists taking key positions with Arseniy Petrovych Yatsenyuk at the helm began the wholesale of Ukraine.

Secretary of state Victoria Nulan was quoted as saying "the US invested $5 billion into so called "pro democracy" NGO's inside Ukraine, we have seen the same scenario play out across the globe in recent years, Libya,Syria,Venezuela the list is endless, opposition being supported in order to cause social unrest and ultimately revolution inside Independent sovereign nations which is against international law.

After the long drawn Maidan protests which seen major violence on Maidan square came to a head deals were struck with the IMF and world banks, these deals look to subdue the working class of Ukraine with cuts right across the board, indeed it seems Ukraine could and most probably will end up like that of the economy of Greece or worse.

The International monetary fund announced on March 27th that they had reached a tentative loan agreement“financial lifeline” to Ukraine worth $14 -18bln over a 2 year period, one of the first reforms made was to heighten the price of natural gas, President Barack Obama called the deal a “major step forward” that will “meet the needs of Ukrainian people over the long term.” This of course could not be further from the truth as i will explain now...

This loan may have been heralded as a "major step forward" by president Obama but what he didn't mention is that the loan agreement came with demands for "economic reforms", which has usually translated into austerity measures like that seen in Europe, and as in Europe the working class will be bearing the brunt of the measures, It's exactly these kind of imposition of conditions that led to the European Network of Debt and Development to call for reform inside the IMF itself.

Unlike in Europe the IMF conditions for Ukraine will not include debt relief, this agreement and its so called success all hinges on cuts to subsidies and social services. Prices will rise nearly 30% on all imported goods due to the devaluation of the  hryvnia, all of this combined will lead to the further drop in living standards inside Ukraine and will push even more people into poverty,  according to economists. “I don’t think half the population will live below the poverty line, but the majority of the population will be worse off economically—that’s understood,” Kiselyov said.

“Ukrainians differ from the Portuguese and the Greeks because they don’t have many savings left,” Koltashov said. “Wages now in Ukraine are, as a rule, not enough to feed a family, and the devaluation of the hryvnia will make it totally impossible.”

The Revolution won, but the people lost

The Ukraine government it seems is not interested in the slightest about its people in regards to life and liberty all of this is not for the benefit of the people, the government seeks to pay back its buddies at the expense of the nation, we have seen moves in the energy sector by western firms to try and move in on a piece of the pie, Crimea was the jewel in the crown with its vast reserves of natural gas just off shore in the Black Sea, the people of Crimea decided they would be better off back with Russia and voted as such.

If it was not bad enough that the wholesale of natural resources in Ukraine is well underway, the country owes European banks a reportedly 23 billion in unpaid loans, and also outstanding loans of $1.5 billion with US banks. The only winners in all of this are the multi national corporations that stand to gain from privatization of the states assets that have not yet already been sold off.

Indeed this all seems to me to be leading to people becoming more and more disinfrantized with the whole "Maidan Revolution" and those that have came to power because of it, poverty caused by these loans could and may very well come back to bite Kiev, dissent is being crushed from Kiev to Donetsk, and it is not just the “pro russians” feeling the brunt, camps that have stayed in Maidan square were tore down by heavies of the government, some scuffles occurred and a few handbags swung but no one killed this time, but it certainly shows us a picture of a country in turmoil far from the rose tinted narrative of the Mainstream or officials in the EU and US, as long as the "Terror operations" in the East and the wholesale of state assets and national resources continue slaughter of innocent civilians and the rape of a country Ukraine will find itself shattered  literally.

Recent Updates 17.08.2014:

Kiev is claiming to have gotten the upper hand in the key city of Luhansk with pictures being pocted on twitter of what looked like a Ukrainian flag being raised above a police station in the Zhovtneviy neighbourhood of the city, the picture could not be independently vereified.

Officials in Kiev allege to have pushed a contingent of self defense members out of the city itself, they say they have nearly encircled their strongholds of Donetsk and Luhansk and have taken over control of the road between the two cities, this is denied by self defense militias in the area.

Alexander Zakharchenko, prime minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, said over the weekend that rebels were in the process of receiving some 150 armoured vehicles, including 30 tanks, and 1,200 fighters trained in Russia to launch a major counter-offensive.

A spokesman for the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine said: “We have information that rebels used their routes, which are not under the control of the Ukrainian army, and got some ammunition and troops that came across from the Russian Federation. We can’t say the exact numbers, we’re checking this information.”

A Russian convoy carrying humanitarian aid for the people most affected by the turmoil in the East of the country, the Kiev government claimed that Russia was in the middle of pulling a "Trojan Horse" type stunt to try and invade Ukraine under the guise of humanitarian aid but there is nothing to suggest this to be the case but it's of my opinion the Kiev government knew this anyway.

The Minister of Social Policy in Ukraine signed an order officially recognizing the convoy  as humanitarian aid cargo of the International Red Cross that is currently on the border of Ukraine.

"In accordance with Articles 4 and 5 of the Law of Ukraine 'On Humanitarian Aid' considering the initiative of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko on receiving humanitarian aid within the framework of international humanitarian missions under the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to recognize the cargo as humanitarian aid,” the document reads.

Supervising the delivery of the humanitarian aid to Ukraine will be the ICRC, the convoy will go ahead after it receives some security guarantees from both the warring sides in the country.  


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